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Anka Virtualization

All about the Anka Virtualization package
> anka  --help
usage: anka [options] <command>

   Anka command line tool

  -j,--machine-readable    Output a machine readable format (JSON)
  --version                Output the Anka version

  list                     List local VM library
  config                   Manage the CLI configuration
  show                     Show a VM's properties
  modify                   Modify a VM parameters
  view                     Open VM display
  run                      Run a command inside of a VM (will start VM if suspended or stopped
  create                   Creates a VM Template
  start                    Start or resume a VM
  stop                     Shut down a VM(s)
  clone                    Clone a VM
  push                     Push a VM template the Registry
  pull                     Pull a VM template from the registry
  reboot                   Reboot a running VM(s)
  delete                   Delete a VM(s) and tags
  registry                 Configure and control the Registry
  cp                       Copy files in/out of the Anka VM and host
  license                  Control Licensing

Troubleshooting Guides and Logs

Modifying the Global Configuration

How to modify the Global Anka Virtualization configuration

Command Reference

Anka CLI Command Reference