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Command Reference

Anka CLI Command Reference
> sudo anka  --help
Usage: anka [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --machine-readable              Output a machine readable format (JSON)
  --log-level [debug|info|error]
  -l, --login TEXT                Specify the vm policy user (if configured)
  --help                          Display usage information

  attach    Attach USB device(s) to a running VM
  clone     Clone a suspended or stopped VM
  config    Manage the CLI configuration
  cp        Copy files in and out of the VM and host
  create    Creates a VM
  delete    Delete a VM(s)
  describe  Show a VM's configuration
  detach    Detach USB device(s) from a VM
  license   Control Licensing
  list      List the current user's VM Template library
  modify    Modify a VM's configuration
  mount     Mounts a host directory into the VM
  reboot    Restart a running VM(s)
  registry  Configure and control the Anka Cloud Registry
  run       Run a command inside of a VM (will start VM...
  show      Show a VM's runtime properties
  start     Start or resume a stopped or suspended VM
  stop      Shut down a VM(s)
  suspend   Suspend a running VM(s)
  unmount   Unmount the mounted host directory
  usb       Manage USB devices
  version   Output the Anka version
  view      Open VM in Anka Viewer


> sudo anka attach --help
Usage: anka attach [OPTIONS] VMID [DEVID]...

  Attach USB device(s) to a running VM

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka clone --help
Usage: anka clone [OPTIONS] VM_ID [NEW_VM_NAME]...

  Clone a suspended or stopped VM

  -c, --copy  Create an independent copy (disables caching and consumes more disk space)
  --help      Display usage information


> sudo anka config --help
Usage: anka config [OPTIONS] [PARAM]...

  Manage the CLI configuration

  -l, --list                     List parameter(s)
  -r, --reset                    Reset parameter(s) back to default
  -s, --sorted / -S, --unsorted  Sort the output in alphabetical order
  --help                         Display usage information


> sudo anka cp --help
Usage: anka cp [OPTIONS] [SRC]... DST

  Copy files in and out of the VM and host

  -R      Copy the SRC and its entire subtree to the DST (required for folders)
  -L      All symbolic links within your SRC directory are followed
  -H      Symbolic links in the command are followed
  -P      Do not follow symbolic links (enabled by default)
  -f      Overwrite if DST already exists
  -n      Skips if object already exists at DST
  -p      Preserve the SRC object attributes
  -a      Alias for -pPR
  --help  Display usage information
❯ time anka cp ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/cloud-client-side-ha-1/cloud-client-side-ha-1.vdi 10.15.6:/Users/anka/
anka --debug cp  10.15.6:/Users/anka/  0.86s user 20.60s system 4% cpu 8:53.85 total

Compare the ~9 minutes it takes for anka cp to how much it takes to transfer the same file with scp:

❯ time scp -P 10000 -v ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/cloud-client-side-ha-1/cloud-client-side-ha-1.vdi anka@
scp -P 10000 -v  anka@  110.61s user 60.88s system 22% cpu 12:46.30 total


> sudo anka create --help
Usage: anka create [OPTIONS] VMNAME

  Creates a VM

  -m, --ram-size TEXT      Set the RAM size (including 'G' or 'M' on the end)
  -c, --cpu-count INTEGER  Set the number of vcpu cores
  -d, --disk-size TEXT     Set the disk size when creating a new disk (including 'G' or 'M' on the end)
  -a, --app PATH           Path to the macOS installer .app
  -p, --pkg PATH           Include additional packages to be installed
  -P, --profile PATH       Include a configuration profile(s) to install alongside the macOS installation (not
                           available for macOS >= 11.x/Big Sur)
  --help                   Display usage information

If you leave out --ram-size and --cpu-count, Anka will choose for you based on your total CPU and RAM. It will try to halve the total CPU and RAM values, but has a min of 2CPU/4GB and a max of 8CPU/8GB

We recommend naming your initial VM after the version of macOS

Be aware of the user you’re executing Anka CLI commands as. If you create VMs as root, they won’t be available (when running anka list) to other users on the system and vice versa

By default anka create creates a VM Template with the username anka and password admin. Environment variable are available to change these: ANKA_DEFAULT_USER and ANKA_DEFAULT_PASSWD (be sure to use sudo -E when issuing the create command)

The VM creation should take around 30 minutes

Anka Develop licenses default your VM in a stopped state (the only available state)

Anka Build licenses default your VM in a suspended state. You can tell Anka to stop the VM instead of suspending with an ENV: ANKA_CREATE_SUSPEND=0

Catalina and lower VMs are created with SIP/Kext Consent disabled by default. It’s strongly advised to keep these settings for optimal Anka performance. If you need to re-enable SIP/Kext Consent, then use this command anka modify {vmNameOrUUID} set custom-variable sys.csr-active-config 0

If you’re using --postinstall and your script is failing, you can see STDOUT/ERR inside of /var/log/install.log. This log file is found inside of the VM.

On Catalina and higher, the --postinstall requires a package and will no longer accept scripts like Mojave did. We have a script that can convert your scripts to pkg files here.

sudo anka create --ram-size 8G --cpu-count 4 --disk-size 80G \
--app /Applications/Install\ macOS\ 10.15.6


> sudo anka delete --help
Usage: anka delete [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  Delete a VM(s)

  -t, --tag TEXT  Specify tag to remove
  --yes           Avoid asking of confirmation
  -a, --all       Delete all vms in library
  --help          Display usage information


> sudo anka describe --help
Usage: anka describe [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Show a VM's configuration

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka detach --help
Usage: anka detach [OPTIONS] VMID [DEVID]...

  Detach USB device(s) from a VM

  -a, --all  Detach all devices from the vm
  --help     Display usage information


> sudo anka license --help
Usage: anka license [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Control Licensing

  --help  Display usage information

  accept-eula  Accept EULA (requires root privileges)
  activate     Activate license key (requires root...
  remove       Remove the current license (requires root...
  show         Show license information
  validate     Validate the current license

license accept-eula

> sudo anka license accept-eula --help
Usage: anka license accept-eula [OPTIONS]

  Accept EULA (requires root privileges)

  --help  Display usage information

license activate

> sudo anka license activate --help
Usage: anka license activate [OPTIONS] KEY

  Activate license key (requires root privileges)

  -f, --force  Silently override the current license
  --cid TEXT   Submit the CustomerID
  --help       Display usage information

license remove

> sudo anka license remove --help
Usage: anka license remove [OPTIONS]

  Remove the current license (requires root privileges)

  --help  Display usage information

license show

> sudo anka license show --help
Usage: anka license show [OPTIONS]

  Show license information

  -k, --key TEXT  Get key information
  --help          Display usage information

license validate

> sudo anka license validate --help
Usage: anka license validate [OPTIONS]

  Validate the current license

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka list --help
Usage: anka list [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  List the current user's VM Template library

  -r, --running     Show only running vms
  -s, --stopped     Show only stopped vms
  -f, --field TEXT  Change the fields displayed for the VM. Supported fields: name, version, uuid, creation_date,
                    status, stop_date, description, policy, cpu_cores, cpu_frequency, cpu_htt, ram, display.
  --help            Display usage information


> sudo anka modify --help
Usage: anka modify [OPTIONS] VM_ID COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Modify a VM's configuration

  --help  Display usage information


modify {vmNameOrUUID} add

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add --help
Usage: anka modify add [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Display usage information


modify {vmNameOrUUID} add hard-drive

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add hard-drive --help
Usage: anka modify add hard-drive [OPTIONS] ARGUMENT

  -f, --file  Path to an external image or device
  -s, --size  The size (default: 80G)
  --help      Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} add network-card

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add network-card --help
Usage: anka modify add network-card [OPTIONS]

  -t, --type [shared|host|bridge|disconnected]
                                  [default: shared]
  -b, --bridge TEXT               Host interface name to bridge with (Wi-Fi not supported)
  -m, --mac TEXT                  Assign to a fixed MAC address
  --help                          Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} add optical-drive

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add optical-drive --help
Usage: anka modify add optical-drive [OPTIONS] ISO

  -f, --file  Path to an external image or device (required)
  --help      Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} add port-forwarding

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add port-forwarding --help
Usage: anka modify add port-forwarding [OPTIONS] RULE_NAME

  -p, --host-port INTEGER   The host port to listen on
  -g, --guest-port INTEGER  The port inside of the VM that the host-port connects to  [required]
  -l, --host-ip TEXT        The IP to bind the host port with (defaults to
  --guest-ip TEXT           The IP to bind to inside of the VM
  --help                    Display usage information
❯ sudo anka modify 10.15.4 add port-forwarding --guest-port 22 ssh

❯ sudo anka describe 10.15.4

. . .


|   net_card |   guest_port | rule_name   | protocol   |   host_ip |   host_port |
|          0 |           22 | ssh         | tcp        |         0 |           0 |

❯ sudo anka start 10.15.4
. . . 

|   guest_port |   host_port | protocol   | name   | host_ip   |
|           22 |       10000 | tcp        | ssh    |   |

❯ ssh anka@localhost -p 10000
Last login: Mon Apr  6 12:45:50 2020
Mac-mini:~ anka

modify {vmNameOrUUID} add usb-device

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 add usb-device --help
Usage: anka modify add usb-device [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]...

  -f, --force  Skip device validation
  --help       Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete --help
Usage: anka modify delete [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Display usage information


modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete custom-variable

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete custom-variable --help
Usage: anka modify delete custom-variable [OPTIONS] KEY

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete hard-drive

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete hard-drive --help
Usage: anka modify delete hard-drive [OPTIONS] [INDEX]...

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete network-card

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete network-card --help
Usage: anka modify delete network-card [OPTIONS] [INDEX]...

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete optical-drive

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete optical-drive --help
Usage: anka modify delete optical-drive [OPTIONS] [INDEX]...

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete policy

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete policy --help
Usage: anka modify delete policy [OPTIONS]

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete port-forwarding

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete port-forwarding --help
Usage: anka modify delete port-forwarding [OPTIONS] RULE_NAME

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} delete usb-device

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 delete usb-device --help
Usage: anka modify delete usb-device [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]...

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set --help
Usage: anka modify set [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Display usage information

  cpu              Set number of vcpu cores and frequency
  custom-variable  Set custom nvram & smb variables (Example: .
  description      Set description of the VM
  display          Configure displays
  hard-drive       Modify hard drive settings
  name             Set new template name for the VM
  network-card     Modify network card settings
  policy           Enable VM access management
  ram              Set RAM size and parameters

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set cpu

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set cpu --help
Usage: anka modify set cpu [OPTIONS] [NCPU]...

  Set number of vcpu cores and frequency

  -c, --cores INTEGER      Set the number of cores
  -h, --htt / --no-htt     Enable/disable hyper-threading
  -f, --frequency INTEGER  Set the base vcpu frequency (Hz)
  --help                   Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set custom-variable

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set custom-variable --help
Usage: anka modify set custom-variable [OPTIONS] KEY VALUE

  Set custom nvram & smb variables (Example: . . . set custom-variable hw.serial "<SERIAL>"

  --help  Display usage information

You can set the following custom variables:

  • boot-args - NVRAM boot arguments
  • hw.uuid - Hardware UUID
  • hw.serial - Serial Number (system)
  • hw.manufacturer - SMBIOS parameter (Reserved)
  • hw.product - SMBIOS parameter (Reserved)
  • - SMBIOS parameter (Reserved)
  • hw.board - SMBIOS parameter (Reserved)
sudo anka modify {vmNameOrUUID} set custom-variable hw.uuid "GUID"
sudo anka modify {vmNameOrUUID} set custom-variable hw.serial 'MySerial'

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set description

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set description --help
Usage: anka modify set description [OPTIONS] TEXT

  Set description of the VM

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set display

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set display --help
Usage: anka modify set display [OPTIONS]

  Configure displays

  -n, --count INTEGER         Configure number of displays (2 max)
  --headless                  same as --count 0
  -p, --password              Prompt for VNC password
  -v, --vnc TEXT              Configure VNC
  --no-vnc                    Disable VNC access to the VM
  -d, --dpi INTEGER           Set DPI (default is 72)
  -r, --resolution TEXT       Set resolution, e.g. 1024x768 or 'default' to reset to default
  -f, --fps INTEGER           Set refresh rate (30fps by default)
  -c, --controller [fbuf|pg]  Set video controller
  --host-gpu-location TEXT    Specify location of the host GPU to use, or 'any'
  --host-gpu-name TEXT        Specify name of the host GPU to use, or 'any'
  --features INTEGER          Specify extended features flags as a bit mask
  --help                      Display usage information
The PG video controller is only available on VM macOS versions Big Sur or newer.
All resolution changing features require enabling PG or fbuf with the “Legacy Component” addons installed manually.

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set hard-drive

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set hard-drive --help
Usage: anka modify set hard-drive [OPTIONS] [INDEX]...

  Modify hard drive settings

  -c, --controller [ablk|virtio-blk|sata]
                                  Set controller
  -s, --size TEXT                 Set disk size
  -e, --enc [aes-128|aes-192|aes-256|none]
                                  Set OTFE algorithm
  --help                          Display usage information

It’s currently impossible to downsize a VM’s hard-drive. We suggest creating your initial VM Template with a smaller amount of available disk and then increase in subsequent Tags.

Post-modify, you need to tell disk utility to modify the VM’s disk to consume the new free space: anka run --no-volume {vmNameOrUUID} sudo diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk1 0

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set name

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set name --help
Usage: anka modify set name [OPTIONS] NAME

  Set new template name for the VM

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set network-card

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set network-card --help
Usage: anka modify set network-card [OPTIONS] [INDEX]...

  Modify network card settings

  -t, --type [shared|host|bridge|disconnected]
  -b, --bridge TEXT               host interface name to bridge with
  -m, --mac TEXT                  specify fixed MAC address
  -n, --no-mac                    deassign fixed MAC address
  --direct-mac / --no-direct-mac  expose --mac externally
  -v, --vlan INTEGER              assign VLAN ID
  -c, --controller [anet|virtio-net]
                                  set controller
  --local / --no-local            enable (default)/disable inter-VM and VM-host communication
  --help                          Display usage information

--vlan is useful if using a VLAN and bridged mode

[INDEX] is always 0 since Anka doesn’t support more than 1 NIC per VM.

[bridged] For Bonjour to work between host and guest, you’ll need to run sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ NoMulticastAdvertisements -bool NO (this can impact performance negatively)

WiFi interfaces are not supported yet

❯ anka describe 11.0.1
. . .

|   pci_slot | type   | mode   |    pci_id |
|         28 | anet   | shared | 538975646 |
. . .

❯ anka modify 11.0.1 set network-card 0 -t bridge

❯ anka describe 11.0.1
. . .

|   pci_slot | type   | mode   |    pci_id |
|         28 | anet   | bridge | 538975646 |
. . .

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set policy

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set policy --help
Usage: anka modify set policy [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

  Enable VM access management

  --help  Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} set ram

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 set ram --help
Usage: anka modify set ram [OPTIONS] [SIZE]...

  Set RAM size and parameters

  --prefetch / --no-prefetch  Enable/disable prefetch logic
  --help                      Display usage information

modify {vmNameOrUUID} show

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 show --help
Usage: anka modify show [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Display usage information

  custom-variables  Display custom nvmram & smb variables

modify {vmNameOrUUID} show custom-variables

> sudo anka modify 11.6.0 show custom-variables --help
Usage: anka modify show custom-variables [OPTIONS]

  Display custom nvmram & smb variables

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka mount --help
Usage: anka mount [OPTIONS] VMID [DIR]...

  Mounts a host directory into the VM

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka reboot --help
Usage: anka reboot [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  Restart a running VM(s)

  -a, --all  Reboot all running vms
  --help     Display usage information


> sudo anka registry --help
Usage: anka registry [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Configure and control the Anka Cloud Registry

  -r, --remote TEXT           Set the registry name (instead of 'default')
  -a, --registry-path TEXT    Set the registry URL (instead of 'default')
  -c, -i, --cert, --pem PATH  Path to your node certificate (if certificate authentication is enabled)
  -k, --key PATH              Path to your node certificate key if the client/node certificate doesn't contain one
  --cacert, --root-cert PATH  Path to a CA Root certificate
  --insecure                  Skip TLS verification
  --help                      Display usage information

  add                  Add a registry
  check-download-size  Return the size of the template and tag
  delete               Remove the registry from your configuration
  describe             Show a VM template description and tags
  list                 List VMs in registry
  list-repos           List registries you have configured
  pull                 Pull the specified VM template (and latest...
  push                 Push a VM template (and tag) to the Cloud...
  set                  Set default registry

registry add

> sudo anka registry add --help
Usage: anka registry add [OPTIONS] REG_NAME REG_URL

  Add a registry

  --help  Display usage information

registry check-download-size

> sudo anka registry check-download-size --help
Usage: anka registry check-download-size [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Return the size of the template and tag

  -t, --tag TEXT
  -v, --version INTEGER
  --help                 Display usage information

registry delete

> sudo anka registry delete --help
Usage: anka registry delete [OPTIONS] [REMOTE]...

  Remove the registry from your configuration

  -a, --all  Forget all registries
  --help     Display usage information

registry describe

> sudo anka registry describe --help
Usage: anka registry describe [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Show a VM template description and tags

  -t, --tag TEXT
  -v, --version INTEGER
  --help                 Display usage information

registry list

> sudo anka registry list --help
Usage: anka registry list [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  List VMs in registry

  --help  Display usage information

registry list-repos

> sudo anka registry list-repos --help
Usage: anka registry list-repos [OPTIONS]

  List registries you have configured

  -d, --default  show only the default registry
  --help         Display usage information

registry pull

> sudo anka registry pull --help
Usage: anka registry pull [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Pull the specified VM template (and latest tag) from the registry

  -t, --tag TEXT
  -v, --version INTEGER
  -l, --local            Avoid pulling the tag from the registry, only checkout
  -s, --shrink           Remove all other local tags to optimize disk usage
  --help                 Display usage information

registry push

> sudo anka registry push --help
Usage: anka registry push [OPTIONS] VM_ID [TAGNAME]...

  Push a VM template (and tag) to the Cloud Registry

  -t, --tag TEXT          Set the tag name to push
  -d, --description TEXT  Set the description of the tag
  -v, --remote-vm TEXT    The name of a registry template you want to push the local template (and tag) onto
  -l, --local             Assign a tag to your local template and avoid pushing to the Registry
  -f, --force             Forcefully push, regardless of a tag already existing
  --help                  Display usage information

registry set

> sudo anka registry set --help
Usage: anka registry set [OPTIONS] REG_NAME

  Set default registry

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka run --help
Usage: anka run [OPTIONS] VM_NAME COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Run a command inside of a VM (will start VM if suspended or stopped)

  -w, --workdir PATH   Working directory inside the VM
  -v, --volume PATH    Mount a host directory into VM
  -n, --no-volume      Use this flag to prevent implicit mounting of current folder(see --volume option and the
                       implicit_mount config paramerer).
  -E, --env            Inherit environment variables ('--env' is the deprecated form)
  -e TEXT              Provide an environment variable in overriding mode
  -f, --env-file PATH  Provide environment variables from file
  -N, --wait-network   Delay execution until guest network interface is fully up
  -T, --wait-time      Delay execution until guest time syncs
  --help               Display usage information

anka run will source user “rc” files in a specific order:

The source sequence is:

  1. /etc/profile
  2. .bash_profile
  3. .bash_login
  4. .profile


> sudo anka show --help
Usage: anka show [OPTIONS] VM_ID [PROPERTY]...

  Show a VM's runtime properties

  -t, --tag TEXT  Specify VM tag, current by default
  --help          Display usage information


> sudo anka start --help
Usage: anka start [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Start or resume a stopped or suspended VM

  -u, --update-addons, --update  Run the guest addons update procedure (previous version of the addons should already
                                 be installed)
  -f, --force                    Start VM with minimum checks
  -v, --view                     Open VM in an Anka Viewer window
  -d, --usb TEXT                 Attach a USB device (deprecated, use attach command)
  --help                         Display usage information


> sudo anka stop --help
Usage: anka stop [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  Shut down a VM(s)

  -f, --force  Forcefully stop the VM
  -a, --all    Shutdown all running vms
  --help       Display usage information


> sudo anka suspend --help
Usage: anka suspend [OPTIONS] [VMID]...

  Suspend a running VM(s)

  -a, --all  Suspend all running vms
  --help     Display usage information


> sudo anka unmount --help
Usage: anka unmount [OPTIONS] VMID [DIR]...

  Unmount the mounted host directory

  -a, --all  Unmount all mounted directories
  --help     Display usage information


> sudo anka usb --help
Usage: anka usb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage USB devices

  --help  Display usage information

  claim    Make a device(s) available for attaching to a...
  list     List available usb devices
  release  Release a device(s) back to host

usb claim

> sudo anka usb claim --help
Usage: anka usb claim [OPTIONS] [DEVID]...

  Make a device(s) available for attaching to a vm

  -n, --claim-name TEXT  Set the claim name / alternative name (can be reused and assigned to multiple devices for
  --help                 Display usage information

usb list

> sudo anka usb list --help
Usage: anka usb list [OPTIONS] [DEVID]...

  List available usb devices

  --help  Display usage information

usb release

> sudo anka usb release --help
Usage: anka usb release [OPTIONS] [DEVID]...

  Release a device(s) back to host

  -a, --all  Release all devices
  --help     Display usage information


> sudo anka version --help
Usage: anka version [OPTIONS]

  Output the Anka version

  --help  Display usage information


> sudo anka view --help
Usage: anka view [OPTIONS] VM_ID

  Open VM in Anka Viewer

  -d, --display INTEGER  Specify the displays to view
  --screenshot           Make png screenshot
  --click                Send HDI events
  --click-rec            Record HID events
  --help                 Display usage information