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Environment Variables

A list of available environment variables for the Anka CLI

By default, all anka config options are available as Environment Variables by simply converting their name to uppercase and prefixing it with ANKA_. So, default_user becomes ANKA_DEFAULT_USER and the ENV takes precedence.

Outside of the config environment variables, there are a few others you might find useful:

Name Description
ANKA_CREATE_SUSPEND 0 produces VM in stopped state on anka create
ANKA_UPDATE_SUSPEND 0 do not suspend VM on anka start -u
ANKA_HOSTNAME allows to specify VM host name on VM start
ANKA_BLOCK_SIZE ANKA image block size (1MB default)
ANKA_GPU_LOCATION allows to specify GPU location on VM start
ANKA_GPU_NAME allows to specify GPU name on VM start
ANKA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY 0 turns off file system integrity checks
ANKA_CHECK_FREE_SPACE 0 turns off free space validation on pull
ANKA_CLAIM_NAME implicit claim name in the usb claim command
ANKA_DELETE_IGNORE_ABSENT 1 to not fail anka delete {VM} if VM is missing
ANKA_DELETE_LOGS 0 do not delete VM logs after VM deletion
ANKA_DISK_CONTROLLER allows to specify disk controller on anka create
ANKA_FORCE_ABORT 1 kills VM with SIGABRT on anka stop -f
ANKA_IMG_PATH allows to override igm_lib_dir and state_lib_dir search paths
ANKA_MACHINE_READABLE same as --machine-readable
ANKA_NETWORK_CONTROLLER allows to specify network controller on anka create
ANKA_NETWORK_MODE allows to specify network mode on anka create
ANKA_NO_ADDONS 1 do not create addons USB device
ANKA_NO_RUN 1 do not create ankarun USB device
ANKA_NO_SHAREDFS 1 do not create ankacp USB device
ANKA_NO_VIEW 1 do not create anka view USB device
ANKA_USER specifies user for policy affected commands
ANKA_PASSWORD specify password for policy operations
ANKA_PG_BIOS path to the PG video BIOS
ANKA_PREEMPTION_RATE allows to control preempt parameter on anka create
ANKA_PROPAGATE_LICENSE 1 makes Anka license visible inside VM guest
ANKA_RFB_FPS specify refresh rate of VNC (25Hz by default)
ANKA_SHAREDFS_ATTACH 0 do not attach ankacp USB device on VM start
ANKA_SUSPEND_AFTERBOOT_INTERVAL specify interval between first boot (after VM create) and suspend (5 min default)
ANKA_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT configures minimum VM uptime before suspend
ANKA_UHOST_RESETCONFIGURATION 0 do issue SET_CONFIGURATION to the usb device if it’s also configured to the same number
ANKA_UHOST_RESETTIMEOUT wait after USB reset to continue
ANKA_VIEW_ATTACH 0 do not attach anka view USB device initially
ANKA_VLAN specifies network VID on VM start
ANKA_ADDONS_ATTACH 0 means do not attach addonsd to the hypervisor (graceful shutdown, timesync won’t work))
ANKA_BLOCK_NOCACHE 1 turns on the F_NOCACHE flag (default)